michigan sheriffs' coordinating & training council
Additional Training Opportunities

The listing of training opportunities is a service provided by the MSCTC. The Council accepts no responsibility for content or trainers of the classes listed. In order for the training listed to be credited as in-service training for local corrections officers, the training must comply with the requirements listed on this website under In-Service Training.

C.T.O. Training - Benzie CSO
CTO PROGRAM: The Corrections Training and Evaluating Program is an extension of the corrections selection process. It combines pre-field training with objective evaluations to ensure that the standards of a competent corrections officer are met. This is a 40 – hour course designed for experienced corrections officers to learn the “new job/task” of becoming a Corrections Training Officer – CTO. The program will emphasize the CTO’s role in teaching, training, coaching and evaluating the recruit officer as they “earn” the right to wear your department’s uniform. Each student will receive a Corrections Training and Evaluation manual for this course.

* CTO’s responsibilities as a teacher, trainer, mentor and coach
* Utilizing the Standard Evaluation Guidelines
* CTO Conduct/Responsibilities
* How the CTO Creates a Learning Environment
* Remedial Training and the Problem Recruit
* The Purpose of Documentation
* Program Administration
* Corrections Training Program Operation
* Performance Evaluations
* Legal Issues for the CTO
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Dates of Training:
June 23 - 27, 2025 (Monday through Friday)
Contact Information:
www.DeWolfFTO.com- DeWolf and Associates, P. O. Box 815, Manchester, MI 48158 (248) 828 - 8055
C.T.O. Training - Delta College
CTO PROGRAM: The Corrections Training and Evaluating Program is an extension of the corrections selection process. It combines pre-field training with objective evaluations to ensure that the standards of a competent corrections officer are met. This is a 40 – hour course designed for experienced corrections officers to learn the “new job/task” of becoming a Corrections Training Officer – CTO. The program will emphasize the CTO’s role in teaching, training, coaching and evaluating the recruit officer as they “earn” the right to wear your department’s uniform. Each student will receive a Corrections Training and Evaluation manual for this course.

* CTO’s responsibilities as a teacher, trainer, mentor and coach
* Utilizing the Standard Evaluation Guidelines
* CTO Conduct/Responsibilities
* How the CTO Creates a Learning Environment
* Remedial Training and the Problem Recruit
* The Purpose of Documentation
* Program Administration
* Corrections Training Program Operation
* Performance Evaluations
* Legal Issues for the CTO
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Dates of Training:
April 21 – 25, 2025 (Monday through Friday)
Contact Information:
www.DeWolfFTO.com- DeWolf and Associates, P. O. Box 815, Manchester, MI 48158 (248) 828 - 8055
CORRECTIONAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) Instructor Certification & Instructor Re-Certification Course
COURSE PROFILE: A five-day (40 hour) instructor level certification course that is designed and developed for those agencies desiring to train new instructors or update/re-certify CERT officers in this backed in court and nationally recognized course. Numerous situations and confrontations that are being experienced in correctional facilities will be covered for present and future departmental training demands as well as new equipment being utilized to lower potential liability situations with inmates. This program is regarded as the leading CERT Course available in the United States today. Note: Course now includes Riot Control.

Topics Covered in the Program Include:
• Establishing an Operational CERT team with limited budgets
• Assignments & Training Operations for numerous correctional responses
• Extensive training in CERT use of force situations, various emergencies, control & restraint techniques, OC Aerosol Magnum Units and Emergency Response Belt7 techniques & tactics.
• Team Cell extractions, cell injections, violent inmate movement/transport methods.
• Disturbance Control Techniques, S&S (shield&spray Man) Movements, dynamic team entries, housing unit clearing techniques, correctional specific 12 GA less lethal training for high threat conditions.
• Extensive and drills in a facility will be conducted with realistic situations and scenarios
• Proper documentation procedures, report writing strategies for CERT Use of Force situations and team actions

If you have any questions you can reach out to Sgt. Austin Nichols at anichols@branchcounty.gov or Brian Clark at brian.clark@tactical.com.
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Dates of Training:
Contact Information:
Sgt. Austin Nichols - Email: anichols@branchcounty.gov
Correctional Investigations for Supervision
Personnel who should attend:
Command personnel tasked with
conducting Internal Investigations.
Undersheriffs, Chief Deputies,
Sergeants and Lieutenants who are
the first to receive complaints and
the first to notice problems with
employee conduct.
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Dates of Training:
April 16th & 17th, 2025
Contact Information:
Corey Burks, Training Coordinator - Email: training@msctc.org
CTO-Supervision - Calhoun County Sheriff's Office
This is a three-day course designed for supervisors who have the responsibility to administer, manage and coordinate the Corrections Training Program and supervise the Corrections Training Officers.

 The Training Philosophy
 Holding the C.T.O. to the obligation of COACH, TEACHER, TRAINER
 The Duties and Responsibilities of the Corrections Training Supervisor
 Program Personnel Selection
 Mandatory Conduct of the Training Staff
 Reviewing the Supervisor’s Weekly Report
 Administration and Program Operation
 The Purpose of Proper Documentation
 Performance Improvement Plans
 Vicarious Liability Issues
 Termination Tactics
 The Supervisors Role during Step V
PDF Flyer with Additional Information
Dates of Training:
June 16-18, 2025
Contact Information:
(248) 828 - 8055
DACOTA On-Line Training- (Provided free of charge to Michigan Sheriffs' agencies up to a 150 users)
In 2015, the Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council (MSCTC) and the National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO) entered into a training partnership to provide MSCTC members with online correctional training founded upon legal-based guidelines already developed specifically for Michigan. Since that time, NIJO has been providing corrections professionals throughout the state of Michigan with interactive and engaging training through the Detention and Corrections Online Training Academy (DACOTA).

DACOTA corrections online training is based on case law and includes critical operational and highly litigious topics broken down into 10 key areas of focus: • Civil Liability & Risk Management – (PREA, Writing Legal-Based Policy and Procedure, etc.) • Correctional Law (Prisoner Rights, PLRA, etc.) • Inmate Communications (Access to Courts and Counsel, Inmate Mail, etc.) • Personnel Management (Code of Conduct, Ethics, De-Escalation Skills, etc.) • Inmate Security, Safety and Welfare (Duty to Protect, Required Life Necessities, etc.) • Inmate Health Care – (Managing Mentally Ill, Suicide Risk Screening, etc.) • Inmate Management – (Classification, Grievances, Inmate Discipline, etc.) • Religious Exercise, Marriage, LGBTI (First Amendment Rights, RLUIPA, Inmate Marriage, etc.) • Searches – (Prisoner Searches, Area Searches, etc.) • Use of Force & Restraints (Pre-Trial Detainees, Convicted Inmates, etc.)

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Dates of Training:
Contact Information:
See flyer for registration details. - Email: eyoung@msctc.org
De-escalation Training Course – Principles and Practice

Training provided by the National De-escalation Training Center – Wayne State University
Detroit, MI - the national and regional headquarters for the National De-escalation Training Center (NDTC).

Pre-registration is required. Seats are limited.
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Dates of Training:
March 25-26 or 27-28, 2025
Contact Information:
For more information or to register for the training, contact Abby Schlabach - Email: abbys@wayne.edu
Fire Safety Instructor Development (Train-the-Trainer) - Kirtland Community College in Grayling, MI
This 24-hour interactive course is designed to develop basic fire science procedures, including proper fire suppression techniques, utilizing portable fire extinguishers and evacuation procedures in Certified Local Corrections Officers. This Instructor Development Course is not intended to develop skills of a professional firefighter but will demonstrate how to quickly recognize and suppress small fires and effectively implement rescue procedures for personnel and inmates during fire and smoke situations within a Jail in a competent, confident, and professional manner. This course will also cover the basics of using an Incident Command System. Attendance at all 3-days of the 24-hour course is mandatory to obtain Instructor Certification for Fire Safety.

• Student learning styles.
• Development of presentation skills and the use of training aids.
• Class research and design.
• Basic properties of fire.
• Proper use of fire extinguishers and hoses.
• Incident Command System (ICS).
Dates of Training:
June 18 -20, 2025 (Wednesday through Friday)
Contact Information:
Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council - Email: training@msctc.org
Inmate Classification Management - Gaylord, MI
Inmate management begins immediately when an individual enters the correctional facility and continues throughout their incarceration. The purpose of this workshop is to share with participants the information, knowledge and experience acquired over 15+ years in classifying inmates so that they may return to their organizations and evaluate and improve upon the processes they have in place.

Training Objectives: Following completion of this workshop, attendees will have had exposure to, and gain a better understanding of, current topics and processes relating to objective inmate classification including:
• A clear understanding of the difference between the two nationally recognized objective jail classification instruments.
• How to correctly apply each instrument during practical exercises.
• Applying classification levels to determine appropriate housing assignments.
• How to apply the reclassification versions of the instruments during practical exercises.
• Identifying appropriate use of overrides, discipline, and adjustments in the classification process to manage the inmate population.

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Dates of Training:
April 28, 2025
Contact Information:
Sarah Pogorzelski - Email: spogorzelski@mmrma.org
Inmate Classification Management - Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Inmate management begins immediately when an individual enters the correctional facility and continues throughout their incarceration. The purpose of this workshop is to share with participants the information, knowledge and experience acquired over 15+ years in classifying inmates so that they may return to their organizations and evaluate and improve upon the processes they have in place.

Training Objectives: Following completion of this workshop, attendees will have had exposure to, and gain a better understanding of, current topics and processes relating to objective inmate classification including:
• A clear understanding of the difference between the two nationally recognized objective jail classification instruments.
• How to correctly apply each instrument during practical exercises.
• Applying classification levels to determine appropriate housing assignments.
• How to apply the reclassification versions of the instruments during practical exercises.
• Identifying appropriate use of overrides, discipline, and adjustments in the classification process to manage the inmate population.
PDF Flyer with Additional Information
Dates of Training:
March 20, 2025
Contact Information:
Sarah Pogorzelski - Email: spogorzelski@mmrma.org
Instructor Development Course (Train-the-Trainer) - Grand Rapids, MI
This 32-hour, 4-day training program is designed to provide basic and advanced instructional techniques as well as form a solid base for new and experienced instructors, enhancing their abilities to:

• Speak in public forums using PowerPoint and other forms of media for instruction
• Create and instruct lesson plans, objectives, and curriculum
• Understand and describe the differences between education and training
• Control an adult classroom environment by understanding adult learning styles
• Comprehend instructor liability

For Certified Michigan Local Corrections Officers Only

Requires very basic knowledge of the MS Word and MS PowerPoint computer programs.
Dates of Training:
April 29 - May 2, 2025 (Tuesday through Friday)
Contact Information:
Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council - Email: training@msctc.org
NIJO is thrilled to announce that JAILCON25 Central Regional Conference is heading to Kansas in 2025! Join us August 12-14, 2025, at the stunning Sheraton Overland Park Hotel & Conference Center for 2.5 days of corrections-specific, legal-based training, exhibitor showcase, and the opportunity to connect with others in the corrections profession.

JAILCON is your chance to get corrections-specific training based on what the law requires for running constitutionally-safe facilities taught by corrections experts.

Dedicated exhibit hall time for discovering what’s new in corrections-based products and services.

Engaging Exhibit Hall activities -- including meet and greet with keynote speaker/special guest(s), games and (lots of) prizes to be given away to attendees who attend all training and events and engage with our awesome sponsors/exhibitors!

JAILCON gives you the opportunity to connect with other corrections professionals to discuss solutions to difficulties faced daily in the profession.

Last, but not least, at JAILCON we go to great efforts to show our gratitude for the job you do every day. We hope JAILCON makes you feel appreciated and valued, and to gives you that much-deserved (and most likely needed) morale boost.

From inspiring keynote speakers to 20+ hours of legal-based training taught by corrections experts, morale-boosting corrections appreciation events and dedicated exhibit time for vendors to showcase the newest products and services in corrections and inspiring awards ceremony recognizing dedicated professionals in the field of corrections– There’s so much to experience at JAILCON !
Dates of Training:
August 12-14, 2025
Contact Information:
L.E.A.D.S. Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies Certification at Oakland CSO
The award-winning L.E.A.D.S.(Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies) training program is a practical and easy-to-use communication system designed to address interpersonal confrontations. This program enhances communication skills, assists in de-escalating engagements, reduces complaints and liability, and improves officer safety and survival. Developed in 2007 and instructed throughout the United States!

Through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, role-playing, and practical scenario-based applications, this course trains students and prepares instructors in the L.E.A.D.S.Plus T - Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies and Tactical Options Program. This classroom-based program focuses on equipping instructors with essential communication skills, effective de-escalation techniques, and combat confrontation avoidance strategies.

• learn how to turn negative communication into positive
• identify professional benefits of respect
• learn anger management techniques
• learn effective verbal de-escalation strategies
• community empowerment and partnership strategies
• understand physiological changes during aggression
• learn to use cognitive limitations for active diffusion
• learn methods to redirect thought process through positive direction
• communicate and respond to special populations
; (ex.-mental illness, autism, disabilities)
• learn methods of motivational interviewing skills
• learn tactically relocation strategies to delay confrontations
• learn to build community partnerships through daily interactions
• learn communication and physical strategies to de-escalate situations
• learn how de-escalation and or the lack of is used in litigation plus more!

"Evidence-Based and Proven Practices - Supported by research conducted by the Leon County Sheriff's Office in partnership with North Florida University."
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Dates of Training:
May 19, 2025 (0830 - 1630)
Contact Information:
Sgt. Nick Stoner - Email: stonerns@oakgov.com
L.O.C.K.U.P. Arrest and Control Instructor Course - Oakland County Sheriff’s Office
The Internationally Recognized Award winning L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Arrest and Control Instructor Course is an intensive 5-day training program designed to provide comprehensive arrest and control confrontation training. This course equips participants with a robust founda-tion in physical manipulation techniques, and effective instructional methods. Upon completion, attendees will be certified as L.O.C.K.U.P.® Arrest and Control Instructors. The training focuses on practical, empty-hand skills that can be utilized by individual officers or as part of a team. The singular purpose of the L.O.C.K.U.P.® System is to ensure the safe, swift, and effective control of arrested persons. Developed with real-world applications in mind, the system is field tested, court-tested, defensible, and retainable for officers.

• Risk Management for Confrontations
• Legal Aspects of Use of Force
• Instructional Techniques to Fit the Employee
• Effective Takedowns for Immediate Control
• Equip Trainers to Learn Effective Instructional Methodologies
• Team Subject Control Tactics - Coordinated subject control
• Countermeasures Tactics and Response
• Integration with Less Lethal Options
• Team Communications and Takedowns
• Police Ground Control Techniques (Non-Sport Based)
• Grounded Control Tactics Tailored for Real-world Law Enforcement
• Environmental Training in Various Operational Settings and Energy Management
• Striking for Law Enforcement and Counter Measures
• Understanding Psychophysiological Changes that Occur During Human Aggression
• Report Writing, Documentation, and Tracking
• Verbal Communication and De-escalation Skills - Integrated L.E.A.D.S.
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Dates of Training:
May 12 - 16, 2025 0830-1630
Contact Information:
Sgt. Nicholas Stoner - Email: Stonerns@oakgov.com
Michigan Jail Command Staff Academy - Gaylord, MI
This Tuition Free* Command Staff level training is approved by the Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council (MSCTC) and the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority (MMRMA). The program is designed and presented by the National Institute of Jail Operations (NIJO), to engage jail command staff that operate Local Correctional Facilities within Michigan. Upon completion, successful graduates will receive an Academy Completion Certificate from the MSCTC and the MMRMA, along with approximately 40 credit hours that may be applied toward the NIJO National Certified Correctional Supervisor (NCCS) or National Certified Correctional Executive (NCCE) certification.

The 8- Core Management Areas of advanced training will consist of:
• Statistics and Data Driven Decision Making
• Leadership
• Report and Business Writing
• Proactive Liability Defense: Policy & Procedure, Audits & Inspections
• Budgets, Purchasing and RFP Management
• Personal Development
• Legal Issues
• Investigations and Preparing for Litigation

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Dates of Training:
September 22-26, 2025 (Monday through Friday)
Contact Information:
Email Registration Form(s) to the Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council - Email: training@msctc.org
Michigan Jail First Line Supervisor Academy - Lansing, MI
The Michigan Jail First Line Supervisory Academy (MJFLSA) is an intensive 32- hour correctional academy developed specifically for the First Line Supervisor and approved by the Michigan Sheriff’s Coordinating and Training Council. The curriculum, designed and facilitated by the National Institute for Jail Operations, engages attendees to learn and apply these eight core management topics:

• Decision Making for First Line Supervisors
• Supervisor Report Writing and Litigation Preparation
• In-Custody Death and Response
• Proactive Liability Defense: Use of Administrative Segregation
• Leadership
• Personal Management
• Communication and Relationships in the Work Setting
• Employee Wellness & Peer Support Groups

PDF Flyer with Additional Information
Dates of Training:
May 5 - 8, 2025 (Monday through Thursday)
Contact Information:
Email Registration Form(s) to the Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council - Email: training@msctc.org
PPCT Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force Instructor Re-Certification Course
Calhoun County Sheriff's Office will be hosting a three-day PPCT Threat Pattern recognition Use of Force Instructor Re-certification course. Upon completion of this program, instructors will have the understanding and ability to return to their respective agencies and train officers in these proven techniques.

The PPCT Use of Force Instructor Re-certification course is designed to update current instructors in the changes to the instructor program. During this re-certification process, students will fine tune their existing skills to meet the high standards of the PPCT program. Upon completion of this course the instructor’s certification will be extended for three years.

All courses are MCOLES approved.
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Dates of Training:
April 16-18, 2025
Contact Information:
Kevin Rize: 734-716-6494 - Email: knrcontrol@aol.com
Travis Howze Post Traumatic Purpose Presentation- Troy, MI
The Bloomfield Township Police Benevolent Association is proud to present Travis Howze Post Traumatic Purpose.

Post Traumatic Purpose is the Life Changing Mental Health Movement that brings awareness to all Military Personnel, Veterans, First Responders, Corrections, Dispatchers, Health Care workers and their family members through hard transparent relatability. Not your typical check in the box wellness training, Post Traumatic Purpose is Real, Raw, Emotionally Energizing and Highly Engaging. It is designed to stimulate positive growth at the individual, professional and family level through ownership, acceptance, humor and motivation.

This free event is open to first responders and their families (ages 16+).

Location: Woodside Bible Church - Troy Campus, 6600 Rochester Road Troy, MI 48085

Copy the link below to register:
Dates of Training:
Thursday April 24, 2025, 7pm – 10pm
Contact Information:
Donations to the Bloomfield Township Police Benevolent Association will be accepted via square https://square.link/u/jgLCh4Pt or at the door.
Use of Force Investigation and Analysis at Oakland CSO
In today’s environment, every use of force incident is subject to intense scrutiny, often analyzed frame by frame and judged by individuals lacking proper training. This has led to increased distrust and the spread of false narratives. The analysis, investigation, and training of police use of force remain complex and continually evolving challenges.

This 2-day training session is specifically designed for police leaders who review, internal affairs investigators who determine and trainers who are instructing use of force incidents. Do you have any additional updated specialized training in use of force analysis? Through lectures, case studies, and demonstrations, this course provides actionable insights and proven strategies to navigate the challenges of modern use of force incidents.

• Legal applications of use of force - What is being reported
• Early intervention tracking for use of force
• Reducing liability in use of force by deploying de-escalation strategies and documentation
• Quantification of force mitigation tactics and de-escalation
• Strategies on responding to individuals that are considered special populations
• Identify 5 steps to of reviewing use of force incidents.
• How to avoid an “Eric Garner or George Floyd Incident”
• What steps have you taken to identify foreseeable incidents?
• Define and categorize sixteen definitions pertaining to police use of force
• Discuss human performance factors that occur under stressful encounters
• What to look for when tracking police use of force
• Training curriculum selection and review
• Review of grounding subjects
• Officer-associated prone restraint sudden deaths
• Coordination and strategies dealing with multiple officer engagements
• Training measurements and performance - You can’t manage what you don’t measure.
• Video recording issues regarding viewing and reporting
• Immediate press release strategies… Plus more.
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Dates of Training:
May 20-21, 2025 0830 - 1630 Hours
Contact Information:
Sgt. Nick Stoner - Email: stonerns@oakgov.com