The listing of training opportunities is a service provided by the MSCTC. The Council accepts no responsibility for content or trainers of the classes listed. In order for the training listed to be credited as in-service training for local corrections officers, the training must comply with the requirements listed on this website under In-Service Training.
MSCTC Sponsored TrainingAdditional Training Opportunities Fire Safety Instructor Development (Train-the-Trainer) - Kirtland Community College in Grayling, MI
Dates of Training:
Contact Information:
Instructor Development Course (Train-the-Trainer) - Grand Rapids, MI
Dates of Training:
Contact Information:
Dates of Training:
Contact Information:
Travis Howze Post Traumatic Purpose Presentation- Troy, MI
Dates of Training:
Contact Information:
* CTO’s responsibilities as a teacher, trainer, mentor and coach
* Utilizing the Standard Evaluation Guidelines
* CTO Conduct/Responsibilities
* How the CTO Creates a Learning Environment
* Remedial Training and the Problem Recruit
* The Purpose of Documentation
* Program Administration
* Corrections Training Program Operation
* Performance Evaluations
* Legal Issues for the CTO